Monday, January 5, 2015

Re-living 2014


Its already the 4th of January only my turn to recap what I've done in 2014 and just only starting my new year resolution for 2015. sigh, loser la, before this I kept saying wanting to update my blog often but always procrastinate. 

So... looking back at the past year, things that I've done hmm well to be honest I think my life quite dry la last year, like becoming more and more anti social as I grow older. Oh wait... I think I've been becoming quite anti social ever since I started architecture, don't even have the time to sleep moreover socializing and meeting new people and attending events. 

Recap time !

Jan 2014

Had our ISM - graduation exhibition at Publika Black Box

Feb 2014

I don't really remember when this is but probably somewhere in feb I think. I'm pretty blessed to have known this people during my intern and sometimes meeting up with each other for occasions makes life abit more colourful.

Then went to Singapore for our so called "graduation trip". A pretty short few days and umm well, although been there like umpteen times and didnt do shopping or whatsoever, but quite fortunate we were there for the tulips exhibition, and also we didnt knw that there was a lighting musical show at the gardens by the bay!! Quite creative la for them to play with the lightings with matching musicals at the background I would say cuz the only one I usually see is infront of MBS where they project graphics on the fountain waters.

May 2014

Probably alot of people's highlight of the year, finally graduating after 4yrs of studying.

June 2014

My first ever trip to Europe!! Actually this trip quite spontaneous la cuz I remember chatting with my mom one day and I just search Expedia roughly how much to fly to Paris the price turn out to be only RM2.1k return flight! So in the end we planned to visit a few countries nearby since my aunt is living in Germany, and Germany is like in the central for most of the European countries.

First stop, Germany - 
The best currywurst ever ! 

And I heard this is the original currywurst where it was originated in Hurth Park. I remember back in 2013 when I was in Berlin for architecture activity week, the first thing we eat is Currywurst Express and it turned out pretty ordinary like ntg special to rave about. Basically just sausages cut into cutlets with tomato sauce and sprinkled with currypowder. BUT THIS, this is just AWESOME! 

Second stop, Paris -

Paris was like my dream place to visit ever since like..... umm after watching most of the shows that project Paris as a romantic city? I mean after all they are the City of Love and all the romantic scenes of Eiffel Tower and all. BUT sad to say la I was quite disappointed cuz it didn't turned out what I expected it to be and probably BECAUSE we when during their conservation time?

Had my first Lauduree! after hearing all the rave about it and so. In my opinion, I think they really live up to their name! but sad la cannot dapao bck to msia cuz Paris was our first stop.
 Manage to catch a glimpse of Mona Lisa! 
despite the huge crowd crowding around as you can see at the right side of the pic. 
 Pond Des Arts love lock bridge. Didnt get a very scenic and nice touristy shot cuz well....
the sun was scorching hot and it was just really packed with people. Can't even 
get a decent shot come to think of it now.  
View from the steps of Sacre Coeur Basilica. One of the highest point of Paris to have the city's view apart of the Eiffel Tower. Same reason as the love lock bridge, but I've gotta say this is like 3x more than the tourist at the bridge, so no decent pic. :/
I've gotta say that the Eiffel Tower is the most disappointing one. I've always imagined it to be one of the most romantic places in Paris but when we went it was also the French Open, so there was a ball hanging ball in the middle of the tower !!! AND they were also conserving some parts of the tower so I was pretty disappointed. It wouldn't be the same anymore even if I re-visit the place.

 First impression, CRUSHED. 

Third stop Vatican City / Rome :

So in the holy place like Vatican city, was in awe with the paintings on the ceilings/walls. I mean, I didn't expect to see all these Baroque architecture here, I thought I would expect them more in Paris but its just really speechless to see all these la. Can't really imagine the time spent on preserving and conserving these art, especially all these were hand painted. 

In Rome, had our first gelato. EAT TILL SICK OF IT, because somehow my aunt really loves ice cream and suggest to eat gelato almost EVERYDAY.

Finally get to visit the Trevi Fountain. Also quite disappointing cuz what I expect is to see smtg like in the movies where the actors and actresses get to throw coin and all, but in reality either the timing we went was really off due to conservation again OR they just kinda fenced it all up so that tourist dont get to go near, but wth la cannot even get a decent shot. zzz

And what to expect the rest of rome is mostly famous ruins like....
The Pantheon


Forth stop - Amsterdam

Aug 2014  

 Bangkok ! Eat. Sleep. Shop. Repeat. Basically, that's what I literally do every time I visit the Land of Smiles.

Dec 2014 
  • nothing much but, marks the end of my signage career. Not that its gonna be forever (since its our own company anyways, but still) 
  • Countdown and welcoming the year of 2015, which is also the day where my brother will be leaving off the Germany to further studies. Of all days he has to choose to leave on the 1st of Jan where people is welcoming the year but we're bidding our goodbyes. 
  • Anticipating my job in an architect firm (which is also my former intern firm la, so luckily there's still some familiar faces)
So I guess in the coming year, what to anticipate : 

1. Masters in the UK, most prob in Bristol.

2. Re-living the stress in architecture again
3. Adapting to new surroundings, cultures and living independently alone overseas.

4. Japan trip for sakura 

5. Officially working as an asst. architect starting TOMORROW. 
6. To be really discipline on my daily diet and hit the gym more often, living a healthier and happier life.
7. To be more self independent and less relying to other people in life
8. Start socializing and meet new people again, reviving my social life.
9. Be prepared for Masters in the UK !
10.Update blog and instragram more often
11.To be happier than 2014 !

I guess that sums it up for the past year and what to expect reading in this blog this year! 
If I have the time I might post of my Europe trip, haha just to make my blog look less deadly, lolol.

Till then. 

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